Macam nak tak nak je kan blog nie.. Kejap ada kejap hilang ntah ke mana..Tujuan kita berblog pun untuk kongsi something yang berguna in sha Allah..
AMARAN: Apa yang akan kita kongsi ni based on my experience and my skin type.. So, pada sesiapa nak cuba sila buat research terlebih dahulu and must know what your skin is needed.. And I am not a beauty expert, just share my opinion..
Last 2 month kita slowly change my skin care product to my home made natural organic skin care.. Kenapa? Sebab masalah kegawatan ekonomi heee and memandang kan kulit kita sangat sensitif susah kita nak cari product yang sesuai dengan my skin type.. Untuk maintain guna kan product yang sesuai pun jadi masalah sebab kan cost yang melampau.. Nak kata natural organic skin care product yang kita guna ni murah tak jugak.. But trust me.. Boleh tahan berbulan2 and i see da different.. (I loiiikeee)
Trust me this need consistency. Means korang kena rajin amalkan.. Trust me in a month i feel the different, muka kita bertambah gebu @ bouncy kot (bukan sebab dah gemok okey heee) , bertambah glowing or sihat (selain amalkan vit.c rosehip), acne scars or parut jerawat kita is fading semakin pudar.. Jerawat pun dah sopan santun 2/3 days dah menghilangkan diri.. And kalau kita nak ber'makeup' pun dah senang cuma makeup yang nipis pun dah ok! But, lately kita malas nak makeup sebab makeup product is bad for your skin..
Ok, lets start the topic..
In the morning..
I use Pure Apple Cider Vineger (with mother in it) as my Cleansing Toner- i mix with water half spray bottles of water and half bottles of Pure Apple Cider Vineger. After shake the bottles to mix them together i spray on my cotton pad and gently rub all over my face avoid the eye areas.
Then i double clensing with my Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser.
Lepas keringkan muka i use my diy Toner - i mix with Witch Hazel and a drop of Tea Tree Oils, i spray on my cotton pad and gently rub all over my face avoid the eye areas.
And ready to go.. Or i continue with my makeup
Night skin care routine
I use 100% Organic Certified Extra Virgin Coconut Oils (EVCO) as my makeup remover or to remover all the dirts on my face.. Just take 5 drops of EVCO and apply on my face and gently rub my face and leave for a minutes.. And take a cottton pad and remove the oil on my face
Then, i use my Cleansing Toner repeat as my morning routine..
Kemudian kita kita akan steam muka kita untuk membuka pori2 buang kotoran yang tinggal.. Kita just panaskan air and letak 1 sachet Organic Green Tea dalam bekas kaca dan tutup menggunakan tuala..(biarkan selama 15-20 minit) this is best part!! Muka kita akan jadi soft sangat macam kulit baby.. I will do this bila kita rasa muka kita sangat2 kotor..
Okey next step lepas keringkan muka i use Organic 100% Raw Honey (unfiltered or unpasturized) as my mask - i mix with Nutmeg, Ground Cinnamon or Tumeric, mix them sampai sebati dan warna mask jadi gelap (bukan campuran yang cair it is not working) apply on your face and leave for 15-30 minutes
Kemudian kita akan cuci muka dengan jadikan mask kita sebagai exfoilater or scrub, kita akan gently rub in circular motion all over my face with water on my hand and wash my hand and rub again and wash my hand repeatly over and over again until all the mask is clear on my face.. I do this daily for best result!!
Lastly kita gunakan 2 drops of 100% Organic Certified Extra Virgin Coconut Oils (EVCO) as my Moisturizer.
For extra acne treatment i use Tea Tree Oils put a drops on cotton buds and put on my acne or jerawat then, take my Mario Badescu Drying Lotion and also put on my acne..This is working jerawat kita yang besar kering in 24hrs je.. Love it!! Ready to sleep..
The ends..
Thanks for reading.. For more info about the price or where can you buy just leave your comments below..